Psychologists LEAD--Let’s LEAD Together with psychologists as Leaders to Empower, Advocate and use psychology toward actions that make a Difference
Diverse and Global – Addressing international and intercultural perspectives
Together we rise in Unity amidst Diversity
Bridging our Differences and promoting Diversity and Inclusion
Go to: for full statement
Jean Lau Chin for APA President – Vote now! – Ballots delivered via email September 15th.
Experienced Leader with breadth as: Practitioner-Consultant-Researcher-Academic Dean-Executive Director and leadership within APA governance (Council Leadership Team chair and past-president of 3 APA Divisions - Women, International and Ethnic Minorities)
VIDEO: Promoting Diverse Leadership –Women and Minorities
I got to know and love Jean during my President-Elect year at The Illinois Psychological Association. We bonded over intersectionality which was the theme of my Convention and she reached out to me over the months and even in this year to learn more, exchange ideas and laughed over the silliest of things. She was funny yet serious, strong yet gentle and truly a warrior. We chatted and the conversations always flowed. She was kind, compassionate, and truly a mentor whom I am deeply saddened to have lost. I am one of those who have learned to love her and respect her great humanity and determination.