Oral History Interview Questions
You do not have to tell everything! One good story may be all you want to tell.
1. What was your fondest memory of growing up in NYC Chinatown?
2. How did you become involved in NYC Chinatown growing up? Were you part of any groups (see list above)?
3. What were some significant events and experiences in your life? Were there struggles that you have had to overcome?
4. What was your family life like? Is there one message that you remember about what your mother or father used to say?
5. What was your social life like in Chinatown? Did you go to the college dances? Parties hosted by the various clubs in Chinatown? Was your family part of any clans associations?
6. If your family had a business in NYC Chinatown, or if you were involved with a restaurant or laundry, what memories do you have about them?
7. What was your encounter with discrimination while growing up in NYC? How did you handle it?
8. How did your experience of growing up in NYC Chinatown impact your life or shape who you are today? What made for your resiliency in facing the challenges and stresses in your life?
9. Where are you today and how does it compare with growing up in NYC Chinatown? How did you choose your career? Discuss any accomplishments or “Firsts” in your career or life?
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Identifying Information
Date of interview:
Maiden Name:
Year of birth:
City where you live today:
Where did you live growing up in NYC?
Which of the following groups were you affiliated with while growing up in NYC?
Check all that apply or add those of your own
o 37 Mott Street where many families lived
o Lonnie’s Coffee Shop, a popular hang-out
o Transfiguration and True Light Churches
o Wah Keuh Chinese School
o Fife, Drum and Bugle Corp
o Vikings Volley Ball
o Chinatown Fair and the Pool room
o Dances: Jade, Poy Ching, Four Seasons Clubs
o Bear Mountain Boat Rides
o Washington Baths, Coney Island
o City Hall Bowling
o Bradley Beach group
o Chinatown businesses
o Miss Chinatown contests
o Chinese clan associations (parents)
o P.S. 23
o Other: ______________________
Did your family own any business in NYC Chinatown? Please identify.
Check if you or your family had any employment connections with the following:
• Chinese hand laundry ____
• Chinese restaurant ____
• Garment factories ____
• Beading of costume jewelry____
50s Party ___
Mini 50s Home Party ___
Interview ___
Written submission ___
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Permission and Release Form
The discussions today will be audio and videorecorded in order to document and preserve the history of Chinese Americans growing up in NYC Chinatown during the 1940s-1960s. These stories and memories will be edited and made available to you, our community and the public; they may be put together into a published collection, a documentary, an exhibit, and/or a book. Please do not share any information you do not want to be made public. All information on the identifying form is optional. They are intended to provide the context for these stories. If you want to remain anonymous, please so indicate below and your name and picture will not be included in any dissemination of your stories. Please check the boxes below and sign your name to indicate your permission and release.
I acknowledge that the discussion will be taped and that my stories will be made available to our community and the public to document and preserve the history of Chinese Americans growing up in NYC Chinatown. This may be in the form of a published collection, a documentary, an exhibit, and/or a book. Please check. ______
Names and pictures will be associated with these stories because this project is about the people and their relationships. If you do not want your name or picture associated with any published collection or dissemination of these stories, and want to remain anonymous, please check here. ______
Signed: _______________________ Date:_____________________
Contact Jean Lau Chin, NYC Chinatown Oral History Project at: nycchinatownoralhistoryproject@gmail.com
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1. Do you know what a Lime Rickey is?
2. When was the last time you had an Egg Cream?
Fun Trivia

Transfiguration Church