Do you have a story to tell?
Chinatown as a community and village - Remember? 37 Mott Street, Lonnie’s Coffee Shop, Transfiguration and True Light Churches, Wah Keuh Chinese School Fife, Drum and Bugle Corp,
Vikings Volley Ball, Chinatown Fair and the Pool room, Dances by the Jade, Poy Ching, and Four Seasons Clubs, Bear Mountain Boat Rides, Washington Baths, Coney Island, City Hall Bowling, Bradley Beach group, Miss Chinatown contests, PS 23 and PS 130 -
Family clans and Community businesses in NYC Chinatown, Chinese hand laundries, Chinese restaurants and Garment factories, Costume jewelry beading
Parental sacrifices - Chinese immigrant families
Challenges of culture and discrimination
Success - A generation of engineers and teachers; Notable Firsts and Achieving the American Dream
​Gather up family and friends. Have a Reunion over lunch or dinner.
​Conduct a group Oral History interview or discussion​
Audiotape or videotape making sure you have clarity and a quality
Make sure there is little noise or distraction
Have a facilitator direct the discussion
Open discussion with an introduction to the project.
Encourage group to talk, reminisce, and share their stories using questions as a guide.
Group can choose any topics as long as it is related to growing up in NYC during the 1940s-1960s
Limit the discussion to one to 1½ hours
Each member must fill out identifying information form
- Email tape to:
Include a picture of the group then and now.
Download Oral History Questions>
​Write it down!
Do you have a storyor memory that you would like to share about growing up in NYC Chinatown during the 1940s-1960s?
Write it down using the suggested questions as a guideline. Be selective. It does not have to be long. One good story may be all you want to share.
Include the ID information together with a release.
Also send a photo of yourself then and now.
Submit your story to:
Download Identifying Questionnaire >
Download Release >

Lonnie's Coffee Shop